Safe Plants for Birds
This list is a compilation of several different lists printed by various bird clubs and magazines and some local common knowledge about plants that are non-toxic and safe for birds.
Always use caution and common sense in your plant choices. Remember that birds have a delicate system and that a large quantity of any plant or fruit could upset their systems.
Common Name | Botanical Name | Family Name |
Acacia | Acacia (many species) | Acaceae (Acacia) |
African Violets | Saintpaulia Species | Gesneriaceae (Gesneriad) |
Aloe | Aloespecies - Watch for spines | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Areca, Butterfly Cane | Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens | Palmae (Palm) |
Asparagus Fern (See Ferns) |
Liliaceae (Lily) | |
Australian Umbrella Tree | Schefflera Actinophylla | Araliaceae (Aralia) |
Baby's Tears | Helxine Soleirolii | Urticaceae |
Bamboo | Arundinaria Species | Gramineae (Grass) |
Bird Nest Fern (See Ferns) |
Aaspleniunz Nidus | Filices (Fern) |
Begonia | Begonia Species | Begoniaceae (Begonia) |
Bougainvillea | Watch For Spines: | Nyctaginaceae |
Bromeliads: | Watch For Spines:
Aechmea Spp. Bilbergia Spp., Bronwelia Spp. Cryptantyhus Spp., Guzmania Spp., Neoregelia Spp., Tillandsia Spp., Vriesia Spp. |
Bromeliaceae (Bromellads) |
Chickweed | Cerastium Vulgatum | |
Christmas Cactus | Zygocactus or Schlumbergera Species | Cactaceae (Cactus) |
Cissus Kangaroo Vines | Cissus Antartica | Vitaceae (Grape) |
Coffee Tree | Coffea Arabica (Coffee is Toxic) | Rubiaceae |
Coleus | Coleus Spp. | Labiatae (Mint) |
Corn Plant | Dracaena Massangeana | Lilaceae (Lily) |
Crabapple | Malus Spp. | Rosaceae (Rose) |
Creeping Charlie | Pilea Nummariifolia | Urticaceae |
Dandelion | Taraxacum Officinale | Compositae (Sunflower) |
Dogwood | Cornus Species | Cornaceae |
Donkey Tail (Burro's Tail) |
Sedum Morganianum | Crassulaceae (Crassula) |
Dracaena | Dracaena Species | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Dragon Tree | Dracaena Draco | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Easter Cactus | Rhipsalidopsis Species | Cactaceae (Cactus) |
Gold Dust Dracaena | Dracaena Godseffiana | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Elephant Foot Tree | Beaucarnea Recurvata | Llliaceae (Lily) |
Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus Species-Do Not Use Any Parts Used in Flower Arrangements | Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus) |
FERNS: Asparagus, (Not A True Fern) Bird Nest Fern Boston Fern Brake,Ribbon,Dish Button Motherfern Maidenhair Sword Squirrel's Foot, Deer's Foot, Fiji Polypody,Ball Staghorn, Elk's Horn |
Asparagus Densiflorus Asplenium Nidus Nephrolepsis Bostoniensis Pteris Cretica Pellaea Rotundifolia Asplenium Bulbferum Adiantum Species Nephrolepis Exaltata Davallia Species Polvpodium Aureum Platycerium Diversifolium |
Liliaceae (Lily) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) Filices (Fern) |
FIGS: Creeping Fig Edible Fig Fiddleleaf Fig Laurel Leaf Rubber Plant Weeping |
Ficus Pumila Ficus Carica Ficus Lyrata Ficus Elastica Ficus Benjamina |
Moraceae (Fig) Moraceae (Fig) Moraceae (Fig) Moraceae (Fig) Moraceae (Fig) Moraceae (Fig) |
Gardenia | Gardenia Jasminoides (Not Jasmine) |
Rubiaceae |
Gold Dust | Dracaena Godseffiana | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Grape Ivy | Rhoicissus Rhomboidea | Vitaceae (Grape) |
Hen and Chickens | Echeveria And Sempervivum Species | Crassulaceae (Crassula) |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis | Malvaceae (Malva) |
Jade Plant | Crassula Portulacea or Argentea | Crassulaceae (Crassula) |
Kalanchoe | Kalanchoe Species | Crassulaceae (Crassula) |
Magnolia | Magnolia Species | Magnoliaceae (Magnolia) |
Mango | Mangifera Indica | Anacardiaceae |
Marigold | Tagetes Species | Compositae (Sunflower) |
Monkey Plant | Ruellia Species | Acanthaceae |
Mother-In-Laws Tongue | Sansevieria Species Watch For Spines |
Liliaceae (Lily) |
Nasturtium | Tropaeolum Majus | Tropaeolaceae |
Natal Plum | Carissa Grandiflora Only Fruits! |
Apocynaceae (Oleander)**| |
Nerve Plant | Fittonia Verschaffeltii | Acanthaceae |
Norfolk Island Pine | Araucaria Excelsa | Araucariaceae |
PALMS: Areca Bamboo, Fern Date European Fan Fan Fishtail Howeia Kentia Lady Parlour Phoenix (Date Palm) Pony Tail Palm (Not A True Palm) Pygmy Date Rhapis Roebelin, Lady Palm Sago (Not a true palm) Sentry Palm Wine Palm |
Chrysalidocarpus Species Rhapis Excelsa Phoenix Dactylifera Chamaerops Humilis Trachycarpus Jortunei Livistona Species, Chamaerops Humilis Caryota Species Fruits Are Toxic Howeia Species Howeia Forsteriana Rhapis Excelsa Chamaedorea Elegans, Neanthe Bella Phoenix canariensis Beaucarnea Recurvata Rhapis Excelsas Phoenix Roebelinsi Cycas Revoluta Howiea Species Jubaea- Fruits Are Toxic |
Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Liliaceae (Lily) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) Cycadaceae (Cycad) Palmae (Palm) Palmae (Palm) |
Passion Flower Vine | Passiflora Species | Passifloraceae |
Peperomia | Peperomia Species | Piperaceae (Peperomia) |
Petunia | Petunia Species | Solanaceae (Tomato/Potato) ** |
Pittosporum | Pittosporum Species | Pittosporaceae |
Pony Tail Palm (Not A Palm) |
Beaucarnea Recurvata | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Pothos | Scindapsus Species | Araceae (Philodendron |
Prayer Plant | Maranta Leuconeura | Marantaceae (Maranta) |
Purple Passion (Purple Nettle) |
Gynura Aurantiaca | Compositae (Sunflower) |
Pyracantha (Ripe Berries Only) |
Pyracantha Crenato-Serrata | Rosaceae ( Rose) |
Red-Margined Dracaena | Dracaena Marginata | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Sago Palm (Not a True Palm) |
Cycas Revoluta | Cycadaceae (Cycad) |
Schefflera (Umbrella) | Schefflera Actinophylla | Araliaceae (Aralia) |
Sensitive Plant | Mimosa Species | Leguminosae (Pea) ** |
Snake Plant | Sansevieria Species | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Spider or Airplane Plant | Chlorophytum Comosum | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Swedish Ivy | Plectranthus Species, Coleus Species |
Labiatae (Mint) |
Rubber Plant | Ficus Elastica | Moraceae (Fig) |
Thanksgiving Cactus | Zygocactus or Schlumbergera Species | Cactaceae (Cactus) |
Thistle | Cirsium Species | Compositae (Sunflower) |
Toyon Tree or California | Heteromeles (Phitonia) Arbutifolia | |
Holly (Ripe Berries) | ||
Wandering Jew | Tradescantia Fluminensis | Commelinaceae |
White Clover | Trifolium Repens | Leguminosae (Pea) ** |
Umbrella Plant | Schefflera Actinophylla | Araliaceae (Aralia) |
Velvet Plant (Purple Passion) |
Gynura Aurantiaca | Compositae (Sunflower) |
Yucca | Yucca Species-Watch for Spines | Liliaceae (Lily) |
Zebra Plant | Aphelandra Squarrosa Calathea zebrina |
Acanthaceae, Marantaceae Bromeliaceae |
** These families are usually toxic.
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