Protect Your Bird from
Poisons and Toxic Chemicals
Poisons and Toxic Chemicals
Print this Chart as a Reminder of What Poisonous Plants and Chemicals Can Harm Your Pet Bird
Poisonous Plants that are Harmful to Birds | ||
Amaryllis Avocado Azalea Balsam Pear Baneberry Beans: Castor, Horse, Peas, Navy, Glory Bird Of Paradise Black Locust Blue-Green Algae Boxwood Calla Lily Cherry Tree Christmas Candle Coral Plant Daffodil Dieffenbachia Eggplant Elephant's Ear Foxglove |
Hemlock Holly Hyacinth Hydrangea Indian Turnip Iris Ivy ** All Types Java Bean Jerusulem Cherry Jimsonweed Juniper Larkspur Lily of the Valley Lobelia Locoweed Marijuana Mayapple Mistletoe Mock Orange Morning Glory Narcissus |
Oak Oleander Philodendron Poison Ivy & Oak Poinsettia Pikeweed Potato Privet Rhododendron Rhubarb Rosary Peas Sandbox Tree Skunk Cabbage Snowdrop Sweet Pea Tobacco Virginia Creeper Wisteria Yam Bean Yew |
Sources of Fumes that are Toxic to Birds | ||
Asbestos Bleach / Chlorine Carbon Monoxide Cigarette Smoke Diazanon Flea Bombs and Collars Floor Polishes Formaldehyde Hair Dye and Spray House Paint Kerosene Matches Moth Balls Nail Polish & Remover Oil Paint |
Oven Cleaner Overheated Nonstick Cookware **Teflon** Paint Remover Perfume Permanent Wave Solution Pesticides Shoe Polish and Cleaners Spot Removers Spray Starch Suntan Lotions Surgical Acrylics Toilet Cleaners Wax |
***This is by no means a complete list. If you are unsure, read the label, seek more information from maker. When in doubt, don't use!! |
Emergency Phone Numbers | ||
Regular Vet |
24-Hour Vet |
Other Emergency Contact |
Notes | ||
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